SilverScreen Solid Modeler



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SDC sdc_open( SDCInitStruct *sdcis );


SDCInitStruct *sdcis;   // A pointer to an SDCInitStruct





#include "silvere.h"


The sdc_open function opens a SilverScreen command target window. It associates Win32 handles with a SilverScreen drawing surface and command-routing target.




sdcis is a pointer to an SDCInitStruct that contains Win32 handles to associate with a SilverScreen command target window.



Return Value

sdc_open returns a handle to a SilverScreen command target window if successful, or 0 otherwise.




sdc_open is exclusive to the SilverEngine platform.


When a drawing loads, it displays in the active SilverScreen command target window. When an interactive command is processed, prompting takes place in the active SilverScreen command target window.


A SilverEngine display context refers to a Windows window, its associated DC (Windows device context) and a refresh DC. The supplied window is subclassed by SilverEngine so that SilverScreen input events may be returned via inchar and nextkey.



See Also

sdc_close, sdc_goto, inchar, nextkey




For a SilverEngine example using MFC see the EngineShell sample.


For a SilverEngine example using Win32 see the Win32 sample.