SilverScreen Solid Modeler



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int paint_primitive_rgb ( char *path, int id, RGB rgb, int mode )


char *path;       // path to object containing primitive

int   id;         // ID number of primitive

RGB   rgb;        // rgb color to use

int   mode;       // parameters for painting




#include "silver.h"


The paint_primitive_rgb function draws the specified primitive in the specified rgb. The primitive is designated by path , which is the name of the object that contains the primitive, and id , which is the ID number of the primitive primitive.




path is a null-terminated string containing the full path name of the object containing the primitive. id is the ID number of the primitive in the object at path . rgb is the rgb color used to draw the primitive.  Mode may have the following or’ed values:





The specified primitive is drawn in wide lines.


The specified primitive is drawn by xor'ing the screen with the color (and width) lines specified, and the lines drawn are saved away, where they may be xor'ed back by refresh_lines .



Return Value

paint_primitive_rgb returns SS_SUCCESS (0) if the spcified primitive exists, and SS_NOTFOUND (-1) otherwise.



See Also

paint_primitive, paint_entity, paint_entity_rgb